20 Best Bojack Horseman Quotes

BoJack Horseman is indeed an animated television sitcom produced by Lisa Hanawalt as well as Raphael Bob-Waksberg. This same series actors Will Arnett as the lead character, BoJack Horseman. The first series debuted launched Netflix on August 22, 2014, with a real shocker early Holiday release on December 19 that same year. The series is drawn first by comic artist Lisa Hanawalt who’d already previously collaborated also on comic series Tip Me Over, Pour Me out alongside Bob-Waksberg. Netflix revived the show for two seasons and debuted on July 17, 2015.

The story takes action in an imaginative universe where people and anthropocentric creatures exist side alongside. Earlier throughout the 90s, BoJack Horseman appeared on a very popular Television series called Horsin’ Around, based on a rich bachelor horse who is pressured to reevaluate his goals after he decides to adopt three human babies. That being said, BoJack seems to have been a wiped-up, miserable, pessimistic, selfish, self-destructive even self-loathing, drunken had already-been since the show’s cancelation just after ninth season. Jack spends most of his time drinking excessively in his lavish Hollywood luxury apartment, binge eating, moaning about anything, and watching shows from his old show.

BoJack does have to come to terms with his lazy welfare roommate’s escapades Todd Chavez, a pulled-back, upbeat thirty-something-year-old man who spends most of his time either eating fast food or napping on BoJack’s living room floor, hosting parties, or could get into “vaguely connected, bizarre misadventures”.

Here are some of the best quotes in the show:

Before I Leaped, I Should Have Seen The View From Halfway Down.

BoJack Horseman

In BoJack Horseman’s concluding season, “The View From Halfway Down,” as BoJack undergoes a near-death encounter while swimming in his tub, he’s got a dream of all the friends he’s met who died.

You Turn Yourself Around. That’s What It’s All About.

Todd Chavez

Todd assures BoJack that his bond towards his mom has been restored and things have been going better, and he relates to some of what he considers as the secret significance of the popular “Hokey Pokey.” She thinks it’s not at all about either the “hokey pokey;” she believes it’s about turning things around.

Also, In My Version, She’s Gay.

Kelsey Jannings

Once Kelsey Jannings is invited in to pitch a script featuring a female superhero named Fireflame, she reveals to investors in the company that being a female superhero is distinctly different than becoming a male superhero, regardless of how culture inevitably operates.

There Is No Other Side.


When several of the main characters have vanished into blackness through the enigmatic portal, a bittersweet BoJack asks Herb to see him on the other side. Herb answered “ “No, BoJack, no, in a disturbing, thought-provoking reflection on the dark abyss which is death. There is no other dimension of this. That is it. “one of the greatest fears of mankind is that there is none until you die although Herb supports it.

Sometimes Life’s A B**** And Then You Keep Living.

Diane Nguyen

BoJack as well as Diane sit mostly on the roof of both the wedding ceremony at Princess Carolyn, staring right at just the stars in the universe. Then Bojack called her out and said that life is a b*tch then we die. Diane replied with this quote and they both agreed that its a perfect time to look up in the sky.

I Feel Like My Life Is Just A Series Of Unrelated Wacky Adventures.

BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman doesn’t even get surreal too much because it was too serious and entertaining to pull you off about it that much. But this piece from its show’s title persona is a bit of a meta.

Because He’s So Nice, People Don’t Want To Think He’s Capable Of Awful Things, So They Let Him Off The Hook.

Diane Nguyen

The BoJack Horseman series about charges of sexual harassment leveled against fictitious actor Hank Hippopopalous was also alluded to as the “Cosby case.” A television correspondent tells Diane, “what else have they got towards Hank Hippopopalous?” Everybody else says he’s a quite decent fella. Diane responded with this quotation.

I Need You To Tell Me That I’m A Good Person.

BoJack Horseman

In the appropriately titled premiere scene “Downer Ending,” just before Diane could do a Question and answer session, BoJack goes to show back and told this line but also Diane just keeps silent. She couldn’t say it. The show concludes with the pause, going to live up towards its name and an unforgettable scene rendering us awestruck.

He’s So Stupid, He Doesn’t Realize How Miserable He Should Be.

The phrase describes a lot of dismissive people ‘s mentality. Individuals like BoJack dislike themselves and their families, or anything else of the world surrounding them, so they have persuaded themself that that will be the manner it is. You should hate all of this.

When You Look At Someone Through Rose-Colored Glasses, All The Red Flags Just Look Like Flags.


That statement from Wanda is so depressing, though at the same moment so enlightening. To become in love with someone is risky to overlook all of which is incorrect with them before it is already late. Rose-colored glasses are sometimes characterized as good. You are so in romance with someone they might not harm.

It Gets Easier.

Jogging Baboon

A baboon proceeds to sprint past the house of BoJack because he feels he is a complete weirdo. Although as he tries to try and keep better in shape, he heads outside for a jog and passing out through his front yard. He soon realizes trying to run isn’t quite as easy as people think.

Same Thing That Always Happens. You Didn’t Know Me And Then You Fell In Love With Me. And Now, You Know Me.

BoJack Horseman

In the relationship department, BoJack has almost always failed and it’s probably his very fault. The explanation that people fell for himself in the very first instance is not even his responsibility. They had seen him perform a very decent person who’d been good on a Tv program with his children, but he’d be more broken and damaging in actual situations than that.

I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Can’t Tell If I’m Crying Or Not.

BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman ‘s greatest quotations are those which wander the thin line among both depressing and hilarious. If a phrase is so funny and contains so much honesty that you can only chuckle at it, therefore BoJack Horseman ‘s magic is intact and very well. A clear illustration would be when the above quote was said by BoJack.

I’m Responsible For My Own Happiness? I Can’t Even Be Responsible For My Own Breakfast!

BoJack Horseman

There’s a lot of speculation in BoJack Horseman as to what the core philosophy is. Many people believe that terrible depression leads the main character to struggle. Everyone else believes he’s a moral relativist. The fact is, it ‘s difficult to pin BoJack away back to just one question. It is above all a tv series about the pursuit of happiness of one horse.

No One Watches The Show To Feel Feelings. Life Is Depressing Enough Already.

BoJack Horseman

Occasionally during BoJack Horseman, whenever Horsin’ Around was still across the air, we would get a memory when BoJack was collaborating on their scripts and the plotlines with his pal Herb. Herb dropped into other substance abuse and ceased to care more about episode’s creativity.

I Am In Pain, All The Time. My Whole Life. And You Have No Idea.

BoJack Horseman

This is a statement that BoJack tells Hollyhock and it was one of the numerous show quotations that leave you feeling both sighted and deeply sad. If you’ve already encountered psychiatric depression, then maybe you can relate to all of the animated show scenes, and this among the most famous examples.

Why Did You Save Me? I Don’t Want To Live.

Old fly named Ed

This might be, or at least near to, the unhappiest quotation in the series. During a section four-chapter, BoJack encounters an elderly fly called Ed who fails to ride. Ed tends to help BoJack repair his residence, and ultimately describes what transpired to BoJack just before his wife passed away.

Not Understanding That You’re A Horrible Person Doesn’t Make You Less Of A Horrible Person.

Yet another thing some people don’t want to understand is that simply because you don’t think you ‘re a terrible guy does not make you a sick person anything less than that. BoJack used this line on the program and then said similar stuff, but in the series, he’s even seen others say something similar to him.

Every Happy Ending Has The Day After The Happy Ending.

Diane Nguyen

We’ve all read and heard stories with the final moment with a fairytale ending. At just the conclusion of a piece of material we absorb, we search for the happier endings. We would like to see the main character find happiness together again, from films to novels to tv shows, just as we wish to build happy endings throughout our everyday lives.

Sometimes I Think I Was Born With A Leak, And Any Goodness I Started With Just Slowly Spilled Out Of Me And Now It’s All Gone. And I’ll Never Get It Back In Me. It’s Too Late. Life Is A Series Of Closing Doors, Isn’t It?”

Another dramatic scene of the series comes as BoJack attempts to interrupt the Season 1 chapter of Diane ‘s marriage, “Horse Majeure.” BoJack is spending the entire episode attempting to disrupt Diane as well as Mr. Peanutbutter ‘s marriage since he’s in love with Diane. After such several failed efforts, he is urged to reveal his emotions to Diane by the role actress Margo Martindale.

Final Thoughts

Within a term, the BoJack Horseman’s are embodied in the conversation among BoJack as well as Diane that was stated above. Life sucks and that you will end up dying one day. Moreover, life sucks, but most times, you would then carry on fighting. You ‘re going to be able to choose where to handle that, how, and when to start taking out the sadness that people feel about others and oneself. You could let a certain pain overwhelm the life around you or you could just figure out a way to attempt to revive and make reparations for the wrong things that you have taken. The retribution BoJack receives is not that he died for his wrongdoings. BoJack ‘s fate for his evil deeds would be that he continues to keep living but without all of the guys who made his life a little better. They cut himself off. And he asks exactly what.

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